Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well that was fun

Went to the Dr. today for my ultrasound. They said everything looked good with my ovaries that the meds didn't destroy them this month so there was no problem in getting the Clomid doubled. I will be taking 100mg this month and still be taking the provera to bring on my period (will start that tonight) He did say that my progesterone level was very low,it was a .2 and needs to be at least a 5 to ovulate. He still made me have blood drawn just to make 100% sure I'm not pregnant. That was not fun at all. I have horrible veins, the girl poked me 3 times then told me to go grab something to eat and drink and come back. I came back after Dan and I grabbed lunch at Leonardo's and a different girl poked 3 times. Yes, 6 holes in one arm. All to confirm the already known. Someday this will all be worth it. So today we start a whole new month of everything. Hopefully this will be our cycle.

Oh the greatest part of this all is running into friends at the gyno that are expecting and they don't have a clue what we are doing there. Of course they think we are pregnant. Oh well.

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