Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is this going to be it?

Tonight will be my last day on the Provera for this cycle. I think I may have mentioned in my last post that he switched me from taking 1 a day for 5 days and this time taking 2 a day for 5 days. This all in hopes to reduce my period from 14 days to a "normal" week. Lets hope it works. Well other than the double dosage intensifying the side effects (cramps, bloating, emotional train wreck) things have been good. I have high hopes for this cycle to at least ovulate. Lets hope this is going to be our lucky number. 3rd cylce could be a charm?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Keepin on keepin on...

Well, we had my 31 day ultrasound and appointment yesterday and are going to take it month by month I guess. In previous posts I said that we were going to take a break until we knew what was going on with Dan and his job but that isn't the case for this next cycle. While our minds were made up that I was going to go in, do my thing and have my questions answered about stopping and re-starting the meds later on but we got excited by the ultrasound (I will get to that) and have a good feeling about this next month. I blame Dan, (he is hard to say no too) he was not going to go with me yesterday due to working but the weather was crap so he had time free up. As we were in the ultrasound room the tech told us (and the ob later confirmed) that I had a follie on my right ovary and that it looked like I wanted and tried to ovulate this month. Dan's (well both of us) had are hope recharged and we don't want to "lose our chance". If you could have seen the excitement on his face and watch him light up, it was adorable. I truly have wonderful husband and going through this together and sharing these emotions with each other buts my worries at ease. I love you Dan, and thank you for being so supportive and wonderful. So on Sunday he asked me to take a HPT and if it came back (which it will) that we are not pregnant then I am to start the Provera again on Sunday. I talked him out of the blood work that will confirm that I am not pregnant being that every time I have gone in for blood work I am poked anywhere from 3-6 times before they hit the vein, and it makes me queezy. So starting Sunday the process will start again.

As for the questions that I had answered. If we decide that we want to take a break we can, but I still have to take the provera so I can have a period and we can pick up where we left off. So that's good. I asked how many times we have to do the Provera/Clomid combo before we decide that it isn't going to work and we try something else. He said once we reach 250mg of Clomid (3 more cycles including this one) then we would try something else for one cycle then it would be off to Pittsburgh for us. Lets hope that we don't have to go that far.

Needless to say that I am happy with what we learned yesterday and as previously stated my hope has been revamped (for now)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This cycle was a bust

I had my blood work done on Monday to see if I ovulated this month. Guess what, I didn't. My progesterone level went from a .2 to a .38 which yes, is a jump but not a substantial jump at all. So, I go to the OB on Tuesday for my ultrasound and see what he has to say. I have a zillion questions to ask. I need to know what the downfall is to taking a few months off. I am starting to think if I keep taking it then by November I will be ovulating and we will be good to go. I need to see if we can pick up on the next dose in November. I need to see how long I need to not ovulate before I am referred to Pittsburgh. I need to know why I am having 14 day periods on this medication and if that is a factor to why I am not ovulating. The OB that I see this time makes me feel like I am just a number and he is rushing me along which makes me a little nervous, like he won't take his time and go through my questions with me. This whole process sucks. Why is it that people who don't want babies or aren't expecting babies have no problem getting pregnant but people that want this more than anything have to jump hurdles to get there. It doesn't seem fair to me. I try to convince myself that God has a greater plan for us but I am losing hope.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A few months off!?!?!

So, Dan and I have made a decision that we are going to take a break from trying to conceive. (that is if it doesn't work for us this month) We had many long discussions and feel that with our current situation it is in the best interest with everyone involved if we hold off, at least for a few months until we know what we will be doing and where we will be living. If Dan gets into the State Police he will most likely be going February-August of 09 for training which means if we were to get pregnant between now and November he would miss the birth of our first born child. Neither he or I are comfortable with that. We've decided that we will pick up in November and try until he leaves in February. However, we are still going to try this month, I mean we (I) have already taken all of my medication for the month and we are half way through the cycle. I plan on talking to the obgyn when I go July 22 to see if I can pick up where we left off or if we have to start all over again. Although I want to have a baby more than anything I am also looking forward to the break and not being a hormonal, emotional mess. This will all be worth it in the end but the process isn't all that fun.