Friday, June 5, 2009

17 Weeks and 2 days!!

So yeah, this is a few days late. This week has been insane. TGIF that's for sure! This week was a pretty exciting one. Scheduling our big ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat for the first time on the doppler, being able to eat again, getting my first batch of maternity cloths in!! Pretty exciting stuff!!

How far along: 17 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Monday I was down another pound at the doctors office. Today, I was even with my pre-pregnancy weight. How does that happen??

Maternity clothes: Easing into them. Wore my capris for the first time today.

Stretch marks: No new ones.

Sleep: I have not been able to nap during the day and have been super tired at night. Although I am waking up a million times a night to blow my nose and pee.

Best moment of this week: Finally hearing the heartbeat on the doppler and scheduling the big ultrasound!!

Movement: The baby is moving like crazy!!!!! Can't wait to feel it.

Food cravings: Everything!!! My appetite it back full swing!!

Food aversions: Mongs Chip Dip and Wendy's chicken sandwich

Gender: I really don't know but I really can't wait to find out!!

Labor Signs: Nope, thank God

Belly Button in or out: Innie

What I miss: After this week being able to enjoy an adult beverage

What I am looking forward to: The big ultrasound June 26th!!! 3 more weeks!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't worry so much!!!

Milestones: Hearing the heartbeat on the doppler

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