Thursday, November 13, 2008

I scored a 9!!

Yep, we have confirmed ovulation. It needed to be at least a 5 and I got a 9. YAY!!!! This makes it the 2nd month since we started trying that we have a chance to be pregnant. So, I am pretty excited. Now, I am not putting all my eggs in one basket but once again I have gained hope. Tuesday we have the ultrasound and appt but I have learned that we won't find out on Tuesday. The waiting game begins. Will Aunt Flo show or is this it? Stay tuned.

In other news; I got my old job at the Y daycare center back. They have a location at the college campus I am going to so I thought why not. I loved this job, I was in charge of the baby room and that is where I am going back to. I walked in to visit yesterday (ironically enough one year to the day I left there) and as always the first thing they ask "You ready to come back yet?" This time I was able to say YES. It was exciting. So, I can work between classes. If you consider taking care of babies all day work. Which I love it, probably the most rewarding job I have had in my 9 years of the working world. Probably why I want to be a teacher so badly. Kids are great, and they are the future. What better than to help them find there way.

1 comment:

biomaj5 said...

Congrats on the O! I tagged you in my blog! :)