Wednesday, November 26, 2008

HSG Results

I had the HSG today and lets just say that it was not a walk in the park. After going into the x-ray room and them going through the process Dr. M came in and talked to me for a few minutes. He explained that he was going to put the speculum in and clean the cervix. (This may get a little hard to stomach) Then he was going to insert the catheter and that was suppose to be the worst part. Then he was going to push the dye through. In my opinion that was the worst part. I cried, and yelled and screamed like a little girl. I do not tolerate pain very well at all. Once the catheter was inserted the process only took about 5 minutes which is good I don't think I could have dealt with much more.

The results; so far so good. He said that what he could see everything looked good. We have to go on the 9th for a follow up to get more informative results.

The aftermath; I am feeling okay, a little sore and very crampy. It is like having the most severe period cramps ever, non-stop. Dan is taking good care of me, I expected nothing less.

1 comment:

Mrs. MooMoo said...

Ohh POO!! I'm sorry about your discomfort -- but I'm glad it's "so far so good".! :-)