Monday, January 5, 2009


I fear that in the world we are living in all tact and class has gone out the window. We have; text messaging, email, myspace, facebook, and things I probably know nothing about. I see this limiting face to face communication and making it unnecessary to pick up the phone to call someone. Now, I am guilty of using all of this "new-age" technology but I find myself wanting to stay as old school as possible, and only using these devices for a fix, because yes, these are all addictive. Here are some recent examples I have encountered; a friend that I have had since Kindergarten and have remained pretty close with she even sang in our wedding sent me a text message to tell me she is pregnant. I am happy for her but to me that is tacky, pick up the phone and tell me this yourself. Other similar situations, announcing it via myspace or facebook. I don't see any problems with adding to your profile or making note on these websites that you are pregnant, (I probably will given the chance) but make sure you tell everyone that you care about in person or phone at the very least, don't let them hear about it online. I see my little brother texting his girlfriend all the time. Where yes, it means they talk 24/7 it just makes me laugh because when I was dating I had to talk to them on the phone and frankly those were some of the best conversations I have ever had. You can really learn a lot about someone when you have to talk to them and really listen to the tone they use and saying what they are thinking, not just reading it and trying to figure out how they meant what they were saying. You can't read tone. Conversation is very important and I worry that all these new fads are going to ruin the ability to converse with each other.

Along a different line of "tact" or lack there of, yesterday at church most of the congergation had left and we were in the Narthex putting on our coats and this elderly lady in the church that we are very close to approached me. This lady was like a second mother to my mom and has been important in my life. Anyways, she had been talking to our friend that is due the first week of Feb. and she walked over to me and said, "I just know you will be next" How do you know that? Am I mad at her, no, I can't be she didn't know any better. She also said, "I am just praying you have your turn." This left me confused, I didn't know she knew we were trying. Has my mom said anything? Wouldn't suprise me if she was requesting prayer during Sunday School (although they are in different classes) but now I wonder who knows what we are going through.

In baby making news, nothing is really new. I am 8 days past my last provera pill and still no sign of AF. I feel like any minute she will be here but it has never taken 8 days to start post provera. Usually after I took the last pill I could set my watch, 5 days and there it was. I remember the ob telling me if it isn't here in a certian amount of time to call, I just wish I could remember what that time frame was. I am going to call on Wednesday if I still have not started. I am right now on CD 48 and just want this new year cycle to begin.

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