Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still In The Game.

Yep, we still have a chance this month. Just called the OB office and I ovulated for sure. Monday, is the ultrasound and apt. Then the waiting game. I think I am going to test Monday morning before I go just for giggles. I should be 12 days past ovulation by then. My hope for some reason is fully restored for this month. Just pray that we are not let down.

Today has proven to be a fanfreakintastic day!! My first class was cancelled, Dan is home due to the weather, we got direct tv this morning, my shows are on tonight (American Idol, Greys, Private Practice and Hells Kitchen), I do not have to work, it is Taco night at the Welms household and as you already know I ovulated!!! Could it get any better.

Blessings to all!!!