Thursday, January 15, 2009

This first week back to school/work has been a busy one. Honestly though, I am enjoying it so far. I am stressed about two of my classes but feel really good about the other three. Bio and Geography are not my things. It should be interesting.

Things at the daycare are going well. Monday I was in the baby room which I love and would spend all my time there. Yesterday I spent the day with the 2 year olds. It was a lot of fun, but they are defiantly B.A.D. Cute, but bad. It kills me that 2 year olds swear, and pretend to shoot each other. Who is teaching them this behavior? We don't shoot our friends. LOL. Time out is no stranger to these children. Okay, off my soapbox. They are all adorable though. It is good to be back. On a side note, my boss at the daycare told us yesterday she is 8 weeks pregnant. Am I happy for her, yes. It still gets frustrated being surrounded by pregnant people, did I mention I have at least one girl that is knocked up in Every.Single.Class?

I am still totally hopeful for this month and currently on CD9, sex week is right around the corner. Bowchiccabowwow!!

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