Wednesday, April 8, 2009

9 Weeks!!

We made it through another week!! So far, this has been my favorite week. I love being pregnant so far. The queeziness, puking and cramping are not as bad as I ever anticipated. I am so blessed with an awesome pregnancy so far.

How far along: 9 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: Holding strong!

Maternity clothes: Nope, not yet.

Stretch marks: No new ones.

Sleep: Have not had a full night in awhile, waking up 3-4 times to pee!!

Best moment this week: Hearing the precious little heart beat and seeing it flicker away on the screen. Awesome!!!

Movement: Won't feel it for awhile.

Food cravings: None this week!!

Food aversions: The smell of canned chicken the daycare used for lunch was enough to make me sick!!!

Gender: Still don't know

Labor Signs: Nope, thank God

Belly Button in or out: Innie

What I miss: A full night of sleep!!

What I am looking forward to: Our next appt. on the 20th!!

Weekly Wisdom: Now that we have heard the heartbeat we can relax a little more and I can enjoy being pregnant.

Milestones: Seeing our little one and hearing that heartbeat of 164 beats per minute was pretty amazing. Also, being able to share that moment with Dan was more than I could ever have asked for. Yes, we both cried!!

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