Thursday, March 5, 2009

Doctor Update

Well, I was suppose to go to the OB yesterday for my ultrasound and appointment but I was lucky enough to catch the stomach flu and spent most of Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday in the bathroom. Not the way I wanted to lose the 5 pounds I lost. Still not feeling up to par but I am working on it. Anyways, we rescheduled our appointment for today. As usual, everything looks good. Ovaries took to the meds like champs. We have a game plan in action. I called to make an appointment in Pittsburgh at MaGee's and will schedule it if the lady ever calls me back. In the meantime since it will probably take a little while to get in we are doing one more month of the Clomid. Of course this is all if we are not pregnant this month. I am hoping that I will have to cancel our consoltation in the Burgh and in November we will be welcoming baby Welms into our family. For now, we wait. Will AF show or is this really our month?

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